The trust equation is essentially based on credibility.
Swiss CICĀ®” certification – Swiss Certified Independent Consultant – issued by our Federation accredits fully independent consultants in the following areas -a non-exhaustive list- :
- Independent status and history
- Professional reputation & Customer satisfaction
- Professional experience (salaried, self-employed, professional associations, publications, etc.)
- Audit of academic and professional certifications already acquired
- Ability to collaborate and work as part of a team
- Ability to reflect “Swiss made” quality and expertise
- No subcontractors in core business activities
- etc.
Our Federation’s certification jury initiates the certification process for confirmed members of our Federation with a minimum of one year’s seniority.

Professional training means human progress and the acquisition of valuable new experience.
Contact our federation to find out more about our certification courses in our various fields of expertise:
- Conditions for becoming self-employed
- Solobusiness administrative management
- Tax breaks for self-employed workers
- Securing the future of your self-employed business
- Ensuring the visibility of your independent business
- Project management – back to basics
- Advanced project management – strategic project management
- Professional reputation & Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction
- etc.